Academic Year Fees
GRADE 1 – 3
Tuition Fee : BD19 (Monthly)
Development Fund : BD1.5 (Monthly)
Computer Fee : BD2 (Monthly)
Transport Fee : BD15 (Monthly)
Annual Fee : BD15.5 (Annually)
Admission Fee : BD80 (Paid Once)
Caution Fee : BD75 (Refundable)
GRADE 4 – 5
Tuition Fee : BD20 (Monthly)
Development Fund : BD1.5 (Monthly)
Computer Fee : BD2 (Monthly)
Transport Fee : BD15 (Monthly)
Annual Fee : BD15.5 (Annually)
Admission Fee : BD80 (Paid Once)
Caution Fee : Nil (Refundable)
GRADE 6 – 8
Tuition Fee : BD21.5 (Monthly)
Development Fund : BD1.5 (Monthly)
Computer Fee : BD2.5 (Monthly)
Transport Fee : BD15 (Monthly)
Annual Fee : BD15.5 (Annually)
Admission Fee : BD80 (Paid Once)
Caution Fee : Nil (Refundable)
GRADE 9 – 10
Tuition Fee : BD22.5 (Monthly)
Development Fund : BD1.5 (Monthly)
Computer Fee : BD3 (Monthly)
Transport Fee : BD15 (Monthly)
Annual Fee : BD25 (Annually)
Admission Fee : BD80 (Paid Once)
Caution Fee : Nil (Refundable)
GRADE11 – 12(SC)
Tuition Fee : BD40 (Monthly)
Development Fund : BD1.5 (Monthly)
Computer Fee : BD4 (Monthly)
Transport Fee : BD15 (Monthly)
Annual Fee : BD25 (Annually)
Admission Fee : BD80 (Paid Once)
Caution Fee : BD75 (Refundable)
GRADE11 – 12(COM)
Tuition Fee : BD38 (Monthly)
Development Fund : BD1.5 (Monthly)
Computer Fee : BD4 (Monthly)
Transport Fee : BD15 (Monthly)
Annual Fee : BD25 (Annually)
Admission Fee : BD80 (Paid Once)
Caution Fee : BD75 (Refundable)
Fee Payment Guidelines
- In the first month of every academic year, the Annual Fee has to be paid against Sports & Games, A.C., stationary and developments, along with the current month’s Tuition Fee and Bus Fee. Thereafter, the Tuition Fee and the Bus Fee have to be paid on or before the 10th of every month.
- After the 10th, a late payment fine at the rate of 100 fils per day will be charged. If fees are not paid for a period of two months the defaulter’s name will be struck off the register and BD. 5/- will be charged if re-admission is granted. In such cases, all pending dues along with fees for the month of re-admission have to be paid.
- All payments are to be made at the school office between 7:15 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and a receipt should be obtained. The school will not be responsible for any claim of payment without a proper receipt.
- Parents are requested to not send fees with small children. School authorities will not bear responsibility for loss of money sent through children and the parents alone will be fully responsible for any such loss.
- Contrary to this rule, in case parents send the fees with their children, they must remit the exact amount at the counter and get a proper receipt. No money should be handed over to any employee of the School other than the cashier at the counter.
- Students withdrawn during the term will be required to pay full fees for the remainder of the term.
- In the case of an admission during the session, the full admission fee and other fees will be charged.
- No reduction or refund of fees will be made on account of any holiday, leave or absence for any reason. Parents going on holiday with their children are required to pay tuition and transport fees in advance along with the leave application.
- Fees once collected will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- The result of the Annual Examination will not be declared until all pending dues are cleared.
- Cost of books and other stationery are not included in the fees.
- Defaulter’s fee will not be accepted without the late payment fine.
- Part payments will not be accepted.
Admission Procedures
- Admission form to be obtained from the office on the announced dates between 08:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on all working days by paying the registration fee i.e. BD. 10.000.
- Duly filled in Registration Form with all the necessary documents* to be submitted in the office on or before the given date.
- After the verification, the candidate will be provided with the admission test date along with the portion for the concerned class.
- If the candidate qualifies the written test, he/she shall be appear for an interview.
- On qualifying the interview the other formalities are to be completed such as payment of fee, etc on the given date.
- The transportation facility is available; is available; the parent has to fill a separate request form to avail the facility.
Note: Issuing Registration Form and qualifying the entrance test is not a guarantee for the admission. For class II to XI admission process will be completed only after getting approval from Ministry of Education. That may take at least two weeks time.
Age of the candidate as on December 31 of the admission year, as recorded in the birth certificate, Passport or CPR , will be determine the eligibility for admission to a particular class.
- Copy of Birth Certificate.
- Copy of Medical Certificate to the effect that required vaccination is complete.
- Last Year’s Progress Report (from class II onwards)
- Transfer/School Leaving Certificate (from class II onwards)
- Copy of candidate’s passport and candidate’s father’s and mother’s passport including the residence permit page with at least six month validity.
- Copy of candidate’s CPR and candidate’s father’s and mother’s CPR.
- Attestation of the Transfer/School Leaving Certificate (from class II onwards).
- State Education Officer/Regional Office CBSE
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Delhi
- Ministry of External Affairs, Bahrain
- Local Notary