Academic Year Fees
KG1 - KG2 | BD 506.000 | BD 379.500 | BD 379.500 | BD 1265 |
GRADE1-6 | BD 531.200 | BD 398.400 | BD 398.400 | BD 1328 |
GRADE7-9 | BD 880.000 | BD 660.000 | BD 660.000 | BD 2200 |
GRADE10-12 | BD 1000.000 | BD 750.000 | BD 750.000 | BD 2500 |
Payment of Tuition Fees
All tuition fees shall be payable as set forth in this tuition fees schedule as approved by the Board of Trustees. All tuition invoices will be issued annually before classes begin, or at the time of registration. All tuition invoices will be issued in Bahraini Dinars. Tuition may be paid in three installments. The tuition fee details and corresponding periods are shown above.
The preferred method of payment is by cash or cheque directly at the School’s Accounts Department. Cheques should be made payable to “Alia School”. It is requested that no direct deposits are made to the School’s bank account. Parents who pay by electronic transfer are requested to quote the invoice number and student name as transaction reference and submit a receipt of this transaction to the accounts department. Failure to do so will delay the payment being allocated or being identified.
Invoices for the term’s fees are payable on or before the due date mentioned above. In the event of non-receipt of the invoice the Accounts Office should be contacted and a duplicate invoice be obtained. Misplacement or non- receipt of the invoice will not be considered a valid reason for failure to pay the fees by the due date. Tuition fees for the term are payable in full regardless of sickness or absence for other reasons (including study leave).
Where payment has been made by cheque and the issued cheque is not honored by the bank for whatever reason, a further administration charge of BD25 will be levied. In the event of the non-payment of school fees by the due date, the Schoolreserves the right to remove the student from the school roll and offer the place to a student on the waiting list.
Other Required Fees
- Book fees are not included in the tuition fee.
- The Application Fee (non‐refundable) is due at the time of application.
- No application form will be considered received and valid until the application fee of BD 50.000 is paid.
- The Enrollment/Re‐enrollment deposit ensures the student a seat for the next school year. It is due by 15th of May for returning students. It is due with the application form for students who enter after 15th of May. This fee will be applied to the tuition payment of the next school year.
Family - Sibling Discounts Policy
All parents who accept the offer of a place for a second or subsequent child to attend Alia National School are eligible for a sibling discount on tuition fees.
Parents who apply for and accept a place for their second and subsequent children at Alia National School will be eligible for a sibling discount on each of the second and subsequent child’s tuition fees as follows:
Second child – 10%
Third and subsequent child – 20%
This discount will only apply where there are a minimum of two siblings in full time education at the school.
The School reserves the right to withdraw a sibling discount in the event of late or non-payment of school fees, in accordance with the School’s standard Terms and Conditions.
The level of award is reviewed annually by the Governing Council, and applies only to the main tuition fees (ex: book and registration fees) ; extras and any additional fees are not discounted.