Tips For Improving Student Study Skills

Studying can be stressful for students and a challenge for their parents. Here are some useful tips to help improve your child’s study skills.

Time management – Finding the time to study can be difficult with school activities, friends and family events. However, the best way to get your studying in during the week is to create a schedule that works. The timetable should also include time to rest and socialize which creates a balanced lifestyle.

Essay planning – Students can be overwhelmed to produce a clear concise essay, that will get them the grades they want. To create a well thought out essay, planning is crucial to saving time as well as to produce a well-balanced assignment.

Memory tricks – Mnemonic is a tool that is very useful even today. The technique involves many creative tricks that help your right brain retain information. These techniques will also help children who are imaginative, as creative methods will always be easier to remember. These techniques are especially useful to remember names, facts, figures, dates, and sequences that need to be learned by heart.

Mind mapping –This form of study will see children literally drawing their thoughts visually. This technique is great for revision, as it will give your brain shortcuts that will help students remember quickly.

Note taking – students should learn to take down notes from a lecture and not all the content spoken by the lecturer. This method will see students jotting down keywords that they can later reference and expand on.