Finding the right school for your child is a real challenge for parents. One size definitely ‘does not fit all’. Some possible questions may be about the size of the school; the mode with which discipline is managed; the variety of subjects and the rigour with which progress is assessed. These questions are only a few that are often asked in an interview when applying for an enrolment.
Another area that can become an unwanted challenge for parents is the tedious and at times contentious ‘homework’. Children and parents do not want to spend afternoons arguing about how and what is required to complete work presented at school.
Your children’s choice of school has an important role to play in developing and molding your child to the outside world. To make the right choice, here are some important questions that need clarification.
Your gut instincts – When you visit a school consider your first impression as soon as you arrive. If you feel positive about the school, this is a good sign.
Meet the person in charge – Make an appointment with the principal or the headmaster and ask them about their educational philosophy, experience and what the school’s plans are for the future.
Teachers – Teaching quality is important as this will impact your child’s scores and how he or she yields their information. Ask for a detailed account of the teacher’s qualifications to understand the standards of the school.
Test scores – Although these scores don’t give a parent the overall picture, they do however give information about the standard scores that you can expect from the children learning in a school.
Other parents – Other parents will be able to provide you with a detailed account of their child’s experiences in a particular school.
Diversity – It is important that the school board and their teaching staff are diverse to encourage positive attitudes within the children that they teach.
Extracurricular – After school activities and outings are important to provide children with new experiences. Therefore, ask your school what types of extracurricular activities are on offer.