How To Get Your Family Routine Back On Track ?

Routines are broken when families go on a trip, are on school break, or when a family member has been sick for some time. However, maintaining a schedule will help everyone get better rest and perform at their peak. Here are a few tips on how to get your family back on a routine.

Start with bedtime – Sleep will affect concentration and keep your immune system in good shape. Look at getting your kids to bed ten minutes earlier every day until you get them on track.

Mealtime on schedule – Although all your family members will not always be present at the dinner table each night, look at setting a scheduled time and make sure the family members who are at home are present.

Be a good role model – Kids will always take cues from you, so you need to be on time at meal time and ready to go to bed at the same time every night.

Get moving – Staying active as a parent is a good way to show your kids the importance of everyday exercise and play. Look at including time for the whole family to move together, by including a family hike or a swim at the pool every month.

Plan ahead – If you are taking a long family trip (more than a week), look at maintaining the same sleep and meal times as those at home. Not only will you be able to get a lot of activities into one day, but you will also be able to get enough rest during your stay.