About The University : An Introduction
Bahrain Polytechnic is a government-owned tertiary education institute located in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It has been established by King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa; King of Bahrain by Royal Decree in July 2008. It is considered a key initiative for the Education and Training Development Committee; a project of the Bahrain Vision 2030 master plan.
Bahrain Polytechnic delivers applied learning, technical education, skills-based and occupational training. Degrees offered range from certificate courses, diplomas, to bachelor’s degree levels.
As the Kingdom’s only polytechnic, Bahrain Polytechnic serves Bahrain and the wider Gulf region by offering technical and applied professional education, short courses, and applied research and consultancy services whilst adopting the internationally-known problem-based learning approach (PBL).
Our mission is straightforward: we aim to produce work-ready graduates, equipped with the necessary 21st century skills before entering today’s corporate world – be it local, regional, or international labour markets. This is done through designing our curricula in line with all your requirements, bearing in mind the individual needs of a student, company, or society at large. The result is a vibrant, dynamic learning environment, which welcomes the people of Bahrain to the possibility of exciting new career opportunities and to a lifetime of learning.

The Polytechnic uses a student-centred approach to teaching where tutors will develop the lessons so that the students are engaged in the learning process. Students are encouraged to ask questions and use problem-based learning strategies. Work-integrated learning is another important aspect of education that Bahrain Polytechnic offers in cooperation with industry and business organisations, to provide the best opportunities for its students in getting work placement experiences and project opportunities in the work environment. The Polytechnic grading system is governed by the Results and Reporting Policy. Grade Point Values (GPV) and the Grade Point Average (GPA) are given on a scale from 0.00 to 4.00.
Bahrain Polytechnic missioned to prepare its graduate to be work ready and adapt the economic dynamics of the local, regional and international market. We used the conceptual approach to define Employability at the institution and creates a contextualize Employability framework. The position of the learners in the framework indicates the acknowledgment of the institution of the services that rotate around them.
Bahrain Polytechnic are involved in the teaching, assessment, development and administration of a wide range of courses within the academic programmes of Bahrain Polytechnic which fall under:
- The Faculty of Business and Logistics (FoBL)
- The Faculty of Engineering, Design and Information & Communications Technology (EDICT)
- The School of Foundation
The Polytechnic uses a blended learning approach, including face-to-face classroom-based learning, online-supported delivery, project-based learning, job placement, internships, individual work, group work, and student-centred learning. An emphasis is placed on relevant practical projects in all years of the programmes.
Quality programmes are relevant and responsive to changing labour market needs in today’s high-technology society. Quality is assured at Bahrain Polytechnic by the policies and procedures that make up the Quality Management System, and through different levels of accreditation covering both the institution and its programmes.
Bachelor of Business

Graduates of the Bachelor of Business will have a broad understanding of the business environment as well as technical and employability skills.
Graduates will have the skills to enable them to be successful in their chosen career whether it is accounting, banking and finance, human resource management, digital marketing, or marketing.
- The Accounting Major is accredited by ACCA (with 9 exemptions) , ICAEW: exemption ( with 5 modules) and by CIMA (with 9 exemptions).
- The BBUS Marketing programme offers the opportunity to gain professional industry membership of the Digital Marketing Association, thus allowing the letters ‘MDigMA’ to be placed after your name. Additionally, the Marketing Major offers you the chance to achieve a variety of industry recognised certifications, including the Hootsuite Platform Certification, Hootsuite Social Marketing Certification, Twitter Flight School Certification, Facebook Blueprint Certification, and Google Certifications.
- All the other Majors are accredited by CIMA (with seven exemptions)
Course Majors Are As Follows :
- Accounting
- Banking &
- Finance
- Human Resource
- Management
- Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Double Major (any two of the above)
One Of The Qualifications Gained :
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Business (Banking & Finance)
- Bachelor of Business (HRM)
- Bachelor of Business (Digital Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (Double Major)
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Banking & Finance)
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting and HRM)
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (Banking & Finance and HRM)
- Bachelor of Business (Banking & Finance and Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (HRM and Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (Unendorsed) – this is a general business degree with no Major but eligible for an award of a
- Bachelor of Business.
- Diploma in Business – this is awarded to those who do not meet the requirements for an award of a degree but have accumulated enough credits to be recognised
Summary of Programmes Structure :
To be awarded a Bachelor of Business degree, students must complete a four year programme of study; four-and-half in the case of Double Major.
In the first two years of the programme, students will study core business courses that are the foundation for their major subjects.
In year three and year four they will study Major courses. The current Majors are Accounting, Banking & Finance, HRM, Digital Marketing, and Marketing. All students have to complete an Industry Project based on their Major.
Academic Advising is available to students throughout their time on the Bachelor of Business Programme.
Specific courses being delivered in this programme can be found at the Polytechnic’s website under “Bachelor of Business”.
Bachelor of International Logistics Management

The transport and logistics industry is one of the sectors seen as critical to Bahrain’s 2030 Economic Vision. This includes different modes, which, when joined together, are referred to as the global supply chain and are made of separate, yet interconnecting, industries. These industries include maritime, ports, aviation, road, rail, warehousing, and logistics.
Students can choose to develop their understanding of one of four sectors that are viewed as critical to the future of the logistics industry in Bahrain. The sections are Maritime Logistics, Aviation Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Transport Security.
Accreditation and Partnerships
- Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT UK).
- Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport International (CILTi)
- The Bachelor of International Logistics Management includes embedded qualifications from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT).
One Of The Qualifications Gained :
To be awarded a Bachelor of International Logistics Management, students must achieve 480 credits meeting specified requirements. Students may also study the required courses to receive the following embedded qualifications from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport International:
- CILT Certificate in Logistics and Transport.
- CILT Professional Diploma in Logistics and Transport.
Students may also exit with a Diploma in Logistics and Transport upon achieving 240 credits which meet the specified requirements.
Summary of Programmes Structure :
To be awarded a Bachelor of International Logistics Management degree, students must complete a four-year programme of study.
In the first two years of the programme, students study core transport and logistics courses which provide the foundation for more specialised year three and year four courses. Students must also take compulsory English course and elective courses. All students are required to complete an Industry-based Project to graduate.
Academic advising is available to students throughout their time on the Bachelor of International Logistics Management programme.
Specific courses being delivered in this programme can be found at the Polytechnic’s website under “Bachelor of International Logistics Management”.
Bachelor of Engineering Technology

The aim of this programme is to provide students with a comprehensive set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for employment as engineering technologists. Both qualifications are fit-for-purpose in terms of addressing the Industrial needs nationally, regionally and internationally.
Through the application of the Problem Based learning methodology, the required theoretical, practical and employability skills are transferred to our graduates in order for them to transform into work – ready and enterprising graduates that will enhance the value of the Society and the Bahraini economy. The students are motivated to learn through the application of engineering analysis, design and the evaluation of real life problems and the inclusion of various courses in English Language, Mathematics, Project Management, Ethics and Social responsibility.
Course Majors Are As Follows :
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electromechanical Engineering
- Communications and Networks
One Of The Qualifications Gained :
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electronics)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electromechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Communications and Networks)
- Associate Degree in Engineering Technology (Mechanical) – Exit Qualification at the end of the 3rd Year
- Associate Degree in Engineering Technology (Electronics) – Exit Qualification at the end of the 3rd Year
- Associate Degree in Engineering Technology (Electrical) – Exit Qualification at the end of the 3rd Year
- Associate Degree in Engineering Technology (Electromechanical) – Exit Qualification at the end of the 3rd Year
- Associate Degree in Engineering Technology (Communications and Networks) – Exit Qualification at the end of the 3rd Year
Summary of Programmes Structure :
Each Major is delivered over a 4-year period. In the first year all engineering students study the basic principles of Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronics Engineering as well as Mathematics and English courses with an engineering focus. In the second year, students select their specific major and follow the relating courses according to the stream. They also select other Elective courses required in all Polytechnic degrees while the English courses tailored for engineering, continue through to the end of the second year. The students continue their studies at the third and fourth year gaining applied knowledge and problem solving skills based mostly on projects development. Each semester, students gain work experience through industry placements organized by the Polytechnic. Project based learning is common in both the Engineering degrees. Students learn through small integrated projects in the early years while the final year consists mostly of large industry linked projects.
Specific courses being delivered in this programme can be found at the Polytechnic’s website under “Bachelor of Engineering Technology”.
Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology

The programme aims to develop work-ready, skilled ICT graduates, who have had exposure to more than one technological solution. By focusing on problem solving skills and concepts, it aims to produce graduates who can be flexible in the workplace and be ready to adapt in a fast moving industry.
The BICT Programme aims to develop work-ready and skilled graduates who have a broad range of technical competencies. The focus is on practical, hands-on skills, backed by industry relevant partnerships that ensure the programme has the most up-to-date content. Each course has underlying concepts developed through a mixture of activities and assessed using methods that closely model professional practice.
Accreditation and Partnerships
- Networking stream: Cisco CCNA, Huawei, Amazon AWS.
- Database stream: Oracle Academy
- Management of Information Systems stream: Microsoft Imagine Academy, EMC Academic Alliance, VMWare IT Academy, SAP, Amazon AWS.
- Programming stream: Oracle Java certification, Microsoft Imagine Academy
Course Majors Are As Follows :
- Database Systems
- Management Information Systems
- Networking
- Programming
One Of The Qualifications Gained :
- Diploma of Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Database Systems)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Management Information Systems)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Networking)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Programming)
Summary of Programmes Structure :
The BICT programme is split into three phases. During the first three semesters, students concentrate on developing a broad technical skills base. Since the programme is delivered in English, there is a high level of English support in this period. During the second phase, students choose a major in which they want to specialize in and undertake subjects related to their area of specialization. The last year of the programme is entirely dedicated to project work, giving students the opportunity to consolidate the knowledge gained in the previous three years. In Semester A of Year 4 students undertake a significant Capstone Project course at Bahrain Polytechnic Innovation Lab. The Capstone Project is either proposed by a faculty member, the student, or an industry partner. The course incorporates Project Management, Technical Writing, and English Communication to prepare the students to undertake an ICT work placement.
Specific courses being delivered in this programme can be found at the Polytechnic’s website under “Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology”.
Bachelor of Visual Design

The Bachelor of Visual Design aims to deliver a successful and effective programme of study, which is distinctly hands-on and highly interactive, with its foundations in the visual communication industry of today.
The Bachelor of Visual Design aims to deliver a successful and effective programme of study of which is distinctly “hands on” and highly interactive that has its foundations in the visual communication industry of today.
Graduates will have a broad-based knowledge of the design industry with an understanding of, and capabilities within, their field of visual design. They will be able to adapt and apply skills such as research and critical thinking to situations of today.
Accreditation and Partnerships
Bahrain Polytechnic will become a member of the Icograda Educational Network (IEN), a network of Art and Design schools around the world. This will enable students across design disciplines and cultures to raise awareness of the importance of design in the Gulf region.
One Of The Qualifications Gained :
- Bachelor of Visual Design
- Diploma in Visual Design
Summary of Programmes Structure :
To be awarded a Bachelor of Visual Design degree, students must complete a four year programme of study consisting of 480 credits. Students may also exit with a Diploma in Visual Design upon achieving 240 credits which meet the specified requirements.
In the first two years, students will study several courses related to color theory, different typographies, historical studies in design, branding methods, and online media.
In their last two years, students will work on portfolio preparation and designs, design research, and project implementation. Students will have the opportunity to work on industry and community projects to prepare them for entry into the industry.
Specific courses being delivered in this programme can be found at the Polytechnic’s website under “Bachelor of Visual Design”.
Bachelor of Web Media

This programme is suitable for students interested in the art, science, and business of the World Wide Web. Students can include courses from the ICT, Visual Design, and Business programmes in their Web Media degree.
This programme is suitable for students interested in the art, science and business of the World Wide Web. Working on real-world projects in teams, students learn all aspects of online digital production then specialise in design, development or management. Students can include courses from the ICT, Visual Design and Business programmes in their Web Media degree. Combining the art of content development with the technology of multimedia programming, students gain first hand experience in professional website production in both simulated and real work environments.
The programme’s flexible structure allows students to develop their skills in any aspect of website production. Courses will be tailored to the careers that students wish to pursue.
The Qualifications Gained :
- Bachelor of Web Media
Summary of Programmes Structure :
In the first year of the programme students study a range of core subjects related to each major: English, Web authority, Internet & multimedia technology and Web design. This enables students to choose majors in later years. In the second year students develop technical skills further and study the business side of the Web Media industry. In the third and fourth years students specialize in technology, design or management and have opportunities to work on industry and community projects to prepare them for entry into the industry.
Problem-based learning is a feature of the programme and this approach develops team working, communication and critical thinking skills which are an essential characteristic of any graduate.
Specific courses being delivered in this programme can be found at the Polytechnic’s website under “Bachelor of Web Media”.
The Foundation Programme

The Foundation Programme prepares students for degree study. The programme offers a flexible, innovative programme designed to meet students’ goals and learning needs. Students are placed in courses according to their academic requirements, which will further develop their personal growth, technical skills, numeracy, and academic literacy.
The Foundation Programme prepares students for degree study. The Foundation Programme offers a flexible, innovative programme designed to meet students’ goals and learning needs. Students are placed in courses according to their academic requirements which will further develop numeracy and literacy, personal growth, and technical skills. Students will also become familiar with the Polytechnic environment and requirements of study at degree level.
The Programme plans to meet the individual learning needs of students in a supportive environment that enhances the development of confidence, and the ability to make informed decisions related to ongoing study options.
The Programme aims to raise students’ awareness of Bahrain’s labour market and to develop their future employability skills.
The Programme is flexible and designed to meet individual learning needs. Students are assessed and placed according to their level in English and Maths. The Foundation Programme has the following components of learning assessed in the following courses:
- English
- Mathematics
In addition to preparatory courses for external assessments in English and Maths, a range of access courses related to individual degree paths may be available. Students will also have an opportunity to explore career options in conjunction with the degree programmes and industry representatives.
The Qualifications Gained :
- No qualification is awarded, but completion of both English 2 and Math 2 qualifies students for entry into degree.
Summary of Programmes Structure :
The Programme is flexible and designed to meet individual learning needs. Students are assessed and placed according to their level in English and Maths. Specific courses being delivered in this programme can be found at the Polytechnic’s website under “The Foundation Programme”.
Key Information At A Glance :
Bahrain Polytechnic is a comprehensive, learner-centred, environmentally responsible governmental higher education organisation that serves its local, regional, and international learners and their communities through high-quality and flexible education, training, applied research, and scholarship. Bahrain Polytechnic’s technical and applied professional qualifications aim to develop students’ employability skills to meet the needs of the creative economy, which values innovation and productivity. Programmes include a global perspective that will enable graduates to make a valuable contribution to the wider society, as it changes in response to regional and international competition. Bahrain Polytechnic is the provider of choice for students seeking:
- Quality, applied education and training
- A learner-centred approach
- Work-integrated learning
- Opportunities to develop leadership and social skills
- Integration of applied research and scholarship with teaching and learning
- Environmental sustainability
- International opportunities
- Career success
Bahrain Polytechnic programmes include a variety of approaches to learning and teaching, e.g. problem based learning, web-based, classroom, workshop, demonstrations, laboratory, field trips, studio, practical, lecture, tutorial, and simulation. Though most courses are delivered face-to-face, some use online learning to support timetabled sessions. Polytechnic graduates are work-ready and equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to make an immediate contribution in the Workforce.

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